We are a team of ICF credentialed and highly trained professional coaches who want to help you soar higher and live your best life. By asking you powerful questions and listening deeply, we help you uncover solutions for challenges big or small. We help clients navigate through issues by using proven techniques that work for both business and personal situations. By focusing on you, our client, we give you the time you need to contemplate, investigate and ultimately address what is holding you back and why.
"Working with Ibis Coaching was a journey of transformation. My coach helped me explore my current belief systems and examine how they are holding me back. I've been able to make the impact I wanted to make and develop the desired skills, from the inside out."
- Executive Director of Learning, major healthcare system
“Your coaching helped me to create strategies to enhance the development of my leadership team. I also found insights that have enabled me to expand my own leadership capacity.”
- CEO of major nonprofit organization
"Your coaching was very effective for me. I was able to define my long-term goals and create successful day-to-day strategies to achieve them. My life is in a great place right now!"
- Professional woman & mother